Friday 9 November 2012

How to use Recaptcha?

List of IP Addresses used:

Create a public and private key for your domain:

Then the below code manages everything you'd need not based on the Session attempts but Application attempts:

public class RecaptchaManager
  #region Local variables

  private static volatile RecaptchaManager _instance;
  private static readonly object SyncRoot = new Object();
  private readonly Byte _maxNumberOfValidFailedAttempts;

  private readonly Byte _durationInMinutes;
  private readonly int _cleanUpMaxSize;
  private readonly string _privateKey;
  private readonly string _publicKey;
  private readonly List _result = new List();

  /// Be careful where and how the locks are used to avoid deadlocks or inter locks.
  private readonly Object _lockObject = new object();


  #region Constructors and class initialization

  private RecaptchaManager()
   if (!Byte.TryParse(SettingHelper.Instance["Recaptcha.ValidFailedAttempts.MaxNumber"], out _maxNumberOfValidFailedAttempts))
    throw new ApplicationException("Invalid or non-existent config key: Recaptcha.ValidFailedAttempts.MaxNumber");

   if (!Byte.TryParse(SettingHelper.Instance["Recaptcha.ValidFailedAttempts.DurationInMinutes"], out _durationInMinutes))
    throw new ApplicationException("Invalid or non-existent config key: Recaptcha.ValidFailedAttempts.DurationInMinutes");

   if (!int.TryParse(SettingHelper.Instance["Recaptcha.CleanUp.MaxSize"], out _cleanUpMaxSize))
    throw new ApplicationException("Invalid or non-existent config key: Recaptcha.CleanUp.MaxSize");

   // private key
   this._privateKey = SettingHelper.Instance["Recaptcha.PrivateKey"];

   if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this._privateKey))
    throw new ApplicationException("Invalid or non-existent config key: Recaptcha.PrivateKey");

   this._publicKey = SettingHelper.Instance["Recaptcha.PublicKey"];

   if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this._publicKey))
    throw new ApplicationException("Invalid or non-existent config key: Recaptcha.PublicKey");


  #region Properties

  public static RecaptchaManager Instance
    if (_instance == null)
     lock (SyncRoot)
      if (_instance == null)
       _instance = new RecaptchaManager();

    return _instance;

  public string PublicKey
   get { return this._publicKey; }


  #region public Methods

  public void AddFailedLoginAttempt()
   // we may want to customize these

  public void AddFailedRegistrationAttempt()
   // we may want to customize these

  public bool ShouldRequireRecaptcha()
   return getNumberOfFailedAttemptsDuringThePeriod() > this._maxNumberOfValidFailedAttempts;

  public bool IsRecaptchaAvailableOnPage()
   // if this field exists then the Recaptcha is available
   string challengeValue = Utils.GetStringForm("recaptcha_challenge_field", null);
   return challengeValue != null;

  public bool IsInputValueVerified()
   string challengeValue = Utils.GetStringForm("recaptcha_challenge_field", null);
   string responseValue = Utils.GetStringForm("recaptcha_response_field", null);
   bool result = false;

    var captchaValidtor = new RecaptchaValidator()
     // put it in web.config
     PrivateKey = this._privateKey,

     RemoteIP = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress,

     Challenge = challengeValue,

     Response = responseValue

    result = captchaValidtor.Validate().IsValid;
   catch { }

   return result;


  #region Private functions
  private void addFailedLoginOrRegistrationAttempt()
   lock (this._lockObject)
    if (this._result.Count > this._cleanUpMaxSize)


  /// Removes the old data.
  private void removeOldData()
   DateTime startDateTime = getStartDateTime();
   this._result.RemoveAll(item => item < startDateTime);

  private int getNumberOfFailedAttemptsDuringThePeriod()
   DateTime startDateTime = getStartDateTime();

   lock (this._lockObject)
    return this._result.Count(failedAttemp => failedAttemp > startDateTime);

  private DateTime getStartDateTime()
   return DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-this._durationInMinutes);


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